
Showing posts from September, 2022

Title examples

Titles are a feature element – they’re meant to stand out. They act like a hook to draw viewers into your content, so it’s important to make sure they look great in the limelight! The style of your titles can be anywhere from bold and loud – to delicate and subtle. Apply these five tips to your designs to create titles that stand out, look beautiful and reflect your unique design style. Source 5 Easy Tips for Terrific Titles

How much water should I have?

Water... such a basic thing and yet so complicated! As easy drinking a glass of water sounds, its after-effects on our health are complex. ⁠ ⁠ 'Drink water in excess' - We hear it quite often on social media! But Ayurveda says something different. ⁠ Though known as 'Elixir' as per Ayurveda, it suggests drinking the minimum required amount of water to remain healthy. Why? ⁠ Water in general has cooling and nourishing properties, which if consumed more than required can extinguish our digestive fire or agni. It basically controls our metabolism and if the metabolism is disrupted, one can face several digestive and health issues. ⁠ So, what should be the ideal daily water intake?⁠ As per Ayurveda, daily water intake cannot be generalized or be the same for everyone. People have different body compositions, types, and dosha while some may have health conditions — and so the daily water intake differs from person to person. Source View this post on Instagram ...

Tuesday Menu

 Vegetarian Monday Ayurvedic Oatmeal Recipe: A Savoury Energising Breakfast Coconut Lentil Curry: One Of The Best Ayurvedic Coconut Recipes Banana Shake Recipe: Going Straws Over Spoons For Kids Source Ayurvedic recipes @

Ayurvedic Golden Milk

Turmeric is one of the most valued Ayurvedic spices. When combined with milk, it makes for an excellent health tonic called turmeric milk, also popularly called Golden milk. This drink balances all 3 dosha. It also reduces inflammation, lowers stress, boosts immunity, detoxifies the body, and even supports cancer prevention. And it tastes oh-so-good! Go ahead and try out this simple turmeric milk recipe…you’ll be glad you did. How To Make Turmeric Milk 1 cup organic cow milk (you could also use coconut, almond, or rice milk) 1/2 tsp turmeric powder A pinch of black pepper (optional) Half tsp honey or brown sugar (optional, if you like it sweet) What To Do:Bring the milk to a boil. Add everything except honey and let it simmer for 4-5 minutes. Keep stirring when needed. Honey should never be heated. Take off the heat and add the honey (optional). Drink warm. This is great for people of all age groups including young kids only the quantity can vary. Source Turmeric Milk: How To Make Th...

Saturday Menu

Besan Chilla Recipe: Weight-Loss Friendly Breakfast On The Planet Easy & Healthy Dhokla Recipe For An Anytime-Snack Coconut Chutney Recipe: A Vata & Pitta Pacifying Comfort Food Indian Rice Pudding (Kheer): An Easy Ayurvedic Recipe Khichdi Recipe: The Quintessential Ayurvedic Detox Meal Source Ayurvedic recipes @

Passion Fruit Benefits

Source: Passion Fruit Juice Is Cooling In Nature One of the most well-known passion fruit benefits in its warm, native regions is its cooling properties. That’s why its a popular summer-time drink. In Ayurveda, it classifies as a Pitta pacifying food. It helps relieve burning in the body, and also soothes a “burning mind”. Here are some more excellent summer drinks. Passion Fruit Benefits Those With Insomnia Among the lesser-known passion fruit nutrition facts is that it contains a substance called harman. Harman has highly calming effects on the nervous system, which is beneficial for those suffering from anxiety as well as insomnia. Moreover, passion fruit juice also reduces blood pressure, further promoting peaceful sleep. You could also try out these powerful yoga poses for sleeplessness. Passion Fruit Improves Respiratory Health Did you know that stronger lungs is among the passion fruit health benefits? The juice of this fruit ...

Emotions and their qualities

All of Ayurveda is based on one simple truth - anything you consume has a quality and that affects the state of your body.⁣⁣ Just as chillies are hot and can leave your gut Hot, so can a hot emotion.⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ Any emotion your body consumes has the potential to alter your body’s state. When an emotion becomes chronic or persistent - that alteration can become permanent and serious. ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ A person with chronic anger will often display gut issues related to heat and anxiety and stress will lead to more IBS type of issues. Depression can lead to sluggishness and lack of desire to do anything. ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ The chart above is not perfect but is an interesting place to start.⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ Also, being warm blooded, the most ideal environment for your body is warm and moist. You do the math! ⁣⁣ Just some food for thought!⁣⁣ Source View this post on Instagram A post shared by Nidhi Pandya Bhanshali (@my_ayurvedic_life)

Daily detox drink - Ushnaambu (warm water)

Ushnaambu (warm water) is considered as "Amrit" (elixir) as per Ayurveda, and therefore i make it a point to keep sipping it, be it at clinic or while on vacation. Benefits being aids in lymphatic drainage removes "ama" (metabolic wastes) helps in igniting Agni 🔥 (digestive enzymes) relieves morning stiffness & pain in joint aches (osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis) melts away excess Kapha (excess secretions that block respiratory tract, sinus) Why is it better than Charcoal water? Charcoal water is recommended when there is excess fat or phlegm, ie, when there is Kapha imbalance and not otherwise. What about lime 🍋 - honey 🍯 water? Same as above; and not recommended for regular consumption as it can cause tooth enamel and gastric epithelial erosion leading to acidity, mouth ulcer. How about alkaline water? Newly in trend alkaline water is recommended to deactivate pepsin, the main enzyme that causes acid reflux and it is recommended in people prone over e...

Sadhgugu's quote

Once there is a distance between you and your thought process, a new freedom is born. With this freedom, a new perception arises.  - Sadhguru 

Red Bean Gumbo with Okra

Ingredients 1 cup onion (chopped) 5 medium garlic cloves (minced) 2 ribs organic celery (chopped) 1 cup red bell pepper (chopped) 3 cups red kidney beans (home-cooked or BPA-free canned, drained and rinsed) 14 oz diced tomatoes (BPA-free canned) 2 cups vegetable broth (unsalted, preferably homemade) 2 bay leaves ¼ cup fresh parsley (chopped) 2 tsp dried oregano 1 tsp onion powder ½ tsp garlic powder 2 tsp ground paprika 1 cup okra (sliced into ½-inch pieces) 2 tbsp arrowroot powder (or organic cornstarch) 2 tbsp water ½ tsp salt (optional) ¼ tsp ground black pepper (optional) 4 cups organic brown rice (or organic black or red rice, cooked) red pepper flakes (optional, to taste) Directions Add all ingredients down to, and including, the okra to your 4- or 6-quart slow cooker. In a small bowl, add the arrowroot powder and two tablespoons of water. Whisk into a slurry and add to the slow cooker. Cook on the low heat setting for six hours or the high heat setting for th...

Ферреро Роше

Ингредиенты 150 г миндаля 35 г арахисовой пасты 60 г растопленного шоколада 20 г какао-порошка 90 г изюма 1 щепотка морской соли Начинка Фундук Клубничное варенье Глазурь 100 г растопленного шоколада 30 г кокосового масла 80 г измельченного фундука⠀ Метод Измельчите все ингредиенты для основы. Раскатайте тесто и вырежьте квадрат (как на видео). Добавьте в центр фундук и немного варенья. Затем сверните, делая форму шара. Выполните этот же процесс с остальными конфетками. Охладите минимум один час в морозильной камере. Смешайте ве ингредиенты для покрытия и окуните шарики в шоколад. Охладите до застывания Источник View this post on Instagram A post shared by 🥗ВЕГАНСКИЕ РЕЦЕПТЫ КАЖДЫЙ ДЕНЬ (@veganstvo_syroedenie)

Картофельная пицца с лососем

  View this post on Instagram A post shared by Viviana Dal Pozzo (@cosatipreparopercena)

Овощные булочки

Ингредиенты для теста 300 гр муки⁣ 3 ч.л. сахара⁣ 1 ч.л. активных сухих дрожжей⁣ Щепотка соли⁣ 160 мл воды или растительного молока 3 ч.л. растительного масла⁣⠀ Ингредиенты для начинки 2 крупных измельченных кабачка 1 средняя измельченная морковь 100 гр нарезанных и обжаренных грибов Мелко нарезанный зеленый лук, соль, белый перец⁣ - по вкусу Приготовление Смешайте все сухие ингредиенты для теста. Постепенно добавьте влажные ингредиенты и замесите до образования мягкого теста. Переложите тесто на очищенную поверхность и месите руками в течение 4-5 минут. Положите тесто в миску, накройте крышкой и оставьте на 30 минут.⁣ Для начинки смешайте кабачок, морковь, обжаренные грибы, мелко нарезанный зеленый лук и приправьте солью и перцем.⁣ Разделите тесто на 14 равных частей. Раскатайте каждый кусочек в лепешку. Поместите ложку начинки в середину и запечатайте.⁣ Готовые булочки обжарьте на небольшом количестве растительного масла либо запеките в духовке до золотистого цвета. Подписывайтесь на...

Core workout

No equipment needed Source  View this post on Instagram A post shared by Tania (@peacockpilateslondon)

5 Ayurvedic tip on staying healthy when you hit 40

Hitting 40 is a bigger milestone than you realise.  Many biological changes start to happen. It's a Pitta phase of life progressing slowly to Vata phase. From your metabolism to hormones, skin and hair; all organs start to show signs of natural ageing. It's extremely important to start taking care of your health! Have an early start Nothing beats the feeling of freshness from an early start Those quiet moments before a busy day can help your nervous system to cope well with stress Have a routine that is soothing to your mind and energising for your body! Exercise on empty stomach! Exercising on empty stomach aids in laghutva (lightness) and doesn't interact with other physiological processes Aim to exercise early in the morning for at least 30 min to 1 hr regularly. Eat less and move more! This's the best rule to maintain your metabolism after 40 Ayurveda recommends that you leave the plate once you're 3/4th full Keep moving throughout the day and don't sleep in...

Sadhguru's quote

How comfortably you travel through life depends on how deeply you have grasped your body and mind. For the journey to be comfortable, the vehicle has to be good, and you must understand the vehicle - how it behaves, what it does, and why it does what it does. This is not enlightenment - this is necessary even if you only want to live an ignorant life. They used to say, "Ignorance is bliss" - if that was true, the world should be blissed out by now.

September Yoginis' Walk


Зачем медитировать?

«Если мы не можем сохранить мир в своем разуме, то как можно создать мир во всем мире? Внешний мир — это отражение ума человека» Sadhguru

Карма или Дхарма?

Давайте разберёмся в понятиях Кармы и Дхармы Согласно учению Кундалини Йога, когда душа воплощается на планете Земля, она «загружается» в данную мерность с «набором» накопленного личного опыта и вместе со своей Кармой - это причинно-следственные связи, сформировавшиеся в прошлых воплощениях души, это задачи и уроки, которые необходимо пройти в этом воплощении. Карма включает в себя предопределенность, неизбежность и рок… 80% людей на планете Земля проходят своей жизненный путь исключительно в Кармических жизненных сценариях. Но есть второй способ прожить земную жизнь - это путь Дхармы. Он «не активируется по умолчанию», как Кармический путь, но абсолютно у каждого есть возможность следовать своей Дхарме. Дхарма - это путь судьбы, а не рока, путь счастливой жизни и реализации высшего предназначения и потенциала души. Но чтобы жить в Дхарме, нужно потрудиться. Кундалини Йога - это одна из технологий, которая способна помочь каждому человеку прожить свое воплощение по Дхармической линии ж...