Emotions and their qualities

All of Ayurveda is based on one simple truth - anything you consume has a quality and that affects the state of your body.⁣⁣
Just as chillies are hot and can leave your gut Hot, so can a hot emotion.⁣⁣
Any emotion your body consumes has the potential to alter your body’s state. When an emotion becomes chronic or persistent - that alteration can become permanent and serious. ⁣⁣
A person with chronic anger will often display gut issues related to heat and anxiety and stress will lead to more IBS type of issues. Depression can lead to sluggishness and lack of desire to do anything. ⁣⁣
The chart above is not perfect but is an interesting place to start.⁣⁣
Also, being warm blooded, the most ideal environment for your body is warm and moist. You do the math! ⁣⁣
Just some food for thought!⁣⁣



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