
Showing posts from October, 2022

Barley Cereal with Pear

INGREDIENTS ½ cup pressed barley flakes, soaked for 24 hours 2 ½ cups water 1 pear, cored and chopped 2 tablespoons raisins ½ teaspoon cinnamon Optional toppings and add-insprunes, dates or dried cranberries blueberries INSTRUCTIONS Place barley in a bowl and rinse 2-3 times. Cover with cold water and leave to soak for 24 hours. It is okay to leave soaking on the counter, but you can also keep it in the fridge overnight if you prefer. When you are ready to make this cereal, drain the soaking water and rinse again 2-3 times. Add to a small saucepan with water and bring to a boil on high heat. Reduce to a simmer after it comes to a boil and partially cover. Simmer for 25 minutes. Cut pear into quarters and remove the core. Cut into bite-sized pieces and add to the barley along with the raisins and cinnamon. Continue to simmer for 10 minutes, stirring halfway through. Add water or adjust the heat if it is sticking, or you prefer it more watery. Source Buttered Veg  

Шани Прадош Врат: гармонизируем свою судьбу

Симптомы слабости Сатурна: беспокойство, неспособность справляться со стрессами, нарушения сна и вообще отсутствие почвы под ногами.  Такой человек с легкостью видит угрозу себе в других людях и в самых разнообразных ситуациях. Частая тревожность, ощущение беспомощности. Много препятствий, которые ослабляют. Он недостаточно последователен в действиях, не обладает выносливостью и неспособен мужественно справляться с трудностями. Он легко сдается и отступает. Его побуждения быстро угасают, и выполнять долгосрочные планы ему не под силу. Из книги Дэвида Фроули «Астрология провидцев» В ведической астрологии существуют инструменты, помогающие преодолеть жизненные препятствия. Один из них - это пост Шивы Прадош врат . Этот пост — прекрасная возможность очистить карму, а следовательно улучшить свою судьбу. Шани Прадош врат  связан с Сатурном. Это 13-й лунный титхи, выпадающий на субботу. Суббота считается днем Сатурна. Поэтому пост в этот день помогает смягчить влияние Шани (Сатурна)...

Согревающий суп

Согреваемся аюрведическим супчиком Томатный суп успокаивает холодные доши - Вату и Капху. Такой суп хорошо переваривается и обладает мягким послабляющим действием. На 2 порции: 2-3 помидора ½ ст. л. кокосовой стружки 1 ч. л. тертого корня свежего имбиря 1/5 ч. л. чили ½ стакана воды 2 ст. л. Гхи или сливочного масла ½ ч. л. черных семян горчицы ½ ч. л. семян тмина 1/5 ч. л. листа карри 1/5 ч. л. молотой корицы соль по вкусу 1 очищенный и измельченный зубчик чеснока 1 ст. л. коричневого сахара 2 ½ стакана воды 1 горсть свежих листьев кинзы Помидоры вымыть, положить в кастрюлю, залить двумя стаканами воды, закрыть крышкой и варить, пока не станут мягкими. Снять с помидоров кожицу, положить их в блендер и залить водой, в которой они варились, измельчить до однородной консистенции. Выложить массу из блендера. Положить в блендер кокосовую стружку, имбирь, чеснок, чили, листья кинзы, полстакана воды и измельчить в кашицу. Разогреть на среднем огне в кастрюле гхи, затем добавить семена тмин...

22 правила детоксикации организма

В соответствии с Аюрведой пища – это то, что поддерживает нашу жизнь, лекарство – то, что облегчает усваиваемость пищи, а к яду относится все, что препятствует пищеварению. Следовательно, если пища, которую мы едим, не переваривается, она становится ядом. Мы считаем это пищей, но на самом деле – это яд. Немало современных лекарств затрудняют пищеварение и, следовательно, тоже являются ядом. Как сказано в Аюрведе, основной источник болезней – это токсины, которые вырабатываются в организме в процессе плохого пищеварения. Если пища плохо усваивается, то в организме накапливаются токсины, которые называются амой. Именно ама является тем основным элементом, с которого начинаются все болезни. То есть по сути дела, все болезни начинаются с неправильного пищеварения . Сначала у человека плохо переваривается пища, в результате этого накапливаются токсины, затем эти токсины распределяются по всему телу, и в зависимости от конституции они идут в тот или иной слабый орган, накапливаются там, и у ...

Friday Quote

If you are miserable, what you call as "myself" needs to be fixed, not someone else. - Sadhguru 

Vayu mudra

sangitasyogasutra: Gas, bloating and arthritis are part of vata imbalance. This means we need to regulate the air element in the body. Our index finger represents the air element and thumb represents 🔥 fire. So with Vayu mudra - you can lower and reduce the air element in your body by pressing the index finger to the base of the thumb and covering it with thumb as shown in picture. It is also great for improving your immunity apart from helping digestion and arthritis. If you feel bloated or experience gastric, you can try this simple mudra for a few minutes and feel relief immediately. Note: Practice it regularly for 10-15 minutes atleast to relieve chronic issues. For best results try practicing it in meditative pose like sukhasana/ vajrasana/ padmasana- keeping spine erect. Always practice mudras after 2-3 hrs of main meals. It is best done on empty stomach. Practice it in combination with pranayam and meditation. Source View this post on Instagram A post shared...

Spotlight on hips

Have you been practising hip openers consistently and still find it hard to sit in Lotus pose/cross leg pose? It is because we miss out on Abductor muscles. These muscles are responsible for pelvic stabilization, hence allow to go deeper into the seated posture. The stretch suggested in the video also decompresses the hip region inducing relaxation in the whole pelvic region. If you have long seated hours abductors muscles can become very stiff. This stretch when practiced everyday can help release tension from all the adjoining muscles. Please ensure to: Use yoga block Keep spine straight Fold only as per your capacity Cool down after the stretch. Source View this post on Instagram A post shared by Greesha | Yoga Practitioner🕉️ (@gree_yogabhyasi)

10-min core workout

Source View this post on Instagram A post shared by Daily Hatha Yoga (@dailyhathayoga)

5 exercises for pelvic floor strength

Reel By @carolinepackarddpt View this post on Instagram A post shared by Yoga Daily Community (@yogadailycommunity) Whether you’re looking to create pelvic strength before pregnancy, during pregnancy, or postpartum- the methods are virtually the same. Creating pelvic floor strength = exhale & lift from the pelvic floor (I like to cue lift from the lower core to help assist a pelvic floor contraction as most don’t get the “lift” portion )+ wrap the deep core (transverse abdominis) during THESE 👆🏻 exercises and any others for that matter. Another reason why the #kegelexercise is lowest on the totem pole for focusing your rehab, most people only squeeze with no lift. A cue to lift from the lower core (between the pubic bone) will help initiate a pelvic floor contraction. 👉🏻it’s inefficient 👉🏻it doesn’t connect your pelvic floor function to real life movements 👉🏻the pelvic floor doesn’t work in isolation, so why would you only train it in isolation movemen...

10-min morning stretch

  View this post on Instagram A post shared by Yoga Tips Channel ( All you need is 10 minutes in morning 🌞  5 exercises, 30 seconds each. 

Create a Vata-balancing Daily Routine

Establishing a supportive daily routine is a crucial part of the Ayurvedic lifestyle, but it is particularly essential when vata is provoked. Our physiology is very much adapted to—and supported by—a sense of routine. Vata is highly mobile and active, so when it is elevated, we are very likely over-committed, stressed-out, and exhausted. Our bodies may feel fragile and run down, our minds flighty and ungrounded. And as much as we may resist it, a sense of routine is potent medicine for balancing vata because it creates a number of anchor points throughout the day that serve to ground one’s energy, calm the nervous system, and disrupt the self-perpetuating cycles of stress and busy-ness that have become the norm for so many of us. It’s important to note that following an Ayurvedic daily routine does not mean that you should schedule every moment of every day. Instead, it’s about creating consistency with a handful of habits that are repeated each day at similar times. This invites the ...

Morning routine for Vata

Your Morning Routine The first step in creating a morning routine is to choose a consistent time to wake up. Because rest is essential, please give yourself permission to sleep later than you normally might if your schedule requires you to stay up late, or if your bedtime routine is disrupted for some reason. Otherwise, vata does best to awaken in time to take full advantage of the peaceful stillness surrounding dawn—ideally around 6 or 7 a.m. Morning Hygiene Upon waking, it is best to begin the day by taking care of your personal hygiene. We’ve included the most vata-pacifying Ayurvedic hygiene practices below. But remember, you do not have to commit to doing all of them. Eliminate. Ayurveda recommends that we eliminate upon waking every day. If you are not already in the habit of having a bowel movement first thing each morning, simply relaxing on the toilet for a few minutes can encourage the body to develop a sense of regularity. Cleaning the tongue and drinking warm water (see be...

Evening routine for Vata

Your Evening Routine Where vata is concerned, getting adequate rest is exquisitely important, so focusing on your evening habits is always a useful starting point. And in truth, a successful daily routine begins the night before. Choosing to be intentional about the flow of your evening ensures that you are grounded at the end of your day, that you get enough rest, and that you sleep as soundly as possible. Create an Evening Self-Care Ritual A sense of routine can be built around even the most mundane aspects of the day. What makes a routine distinct is that we do it consistently and use it as a means of reminding our bodies that all is well, that we are safe, and that we can relax. To this end, take a few minutes to pamper yourself before bed. Doing so has the potential to bolster your sense of well-being, and will likely improve the quality of your sleep as well. Your evening ritual need not be complicated. In fact, it will most likely consist of hygiene and self-care practices that ...

Thursday quote

Spirituality has nothing to do with the atmosphere you live in. It is about the atmosphere you create within yourself.  - Sadhguru 

October walk at Alowyn Gardens

Such a nice spring day to enjoy in a great company! Flick through more photos in the album.

UX/UI Learning

  Source View this post on Instagram A post shared by Uxcel - Learn UX/UI design (