5 exercises for pelvic floor strength

Reel By @carolinepackarddpt

Whether you’re looking to create pelvic strength before pregnancy, during pregnancy, or postpartum- the methods are virtually the same.

Creating pelvic floor strength = exhale & lift from the pelvic floor (I like to cue lift from the lower core to help assist a pelvic floor contraction as most don’t get the “lift” portion )+ wrap the deep core (transverse abdominis) during THESE 👆🏻 exercises and any others for that matter.

Another reason why the #kegelexercise is lowest on the totem pole for focusing your rehab, most people only squeeze with no lift. A cue to lift from the lower core (between the pubic bone) will help initiate a pelvic floor contraction.
👉🏻it’s inefficient
👉🏻it doesn’t connect your pelvic floor function to real life movements

👉🏻the pelvic floor doesn’t work in isolation, so why would you only train it in isolation movements? Some muscles can contract better when working in a group, which is how the pelvic floor functions in daily tasks


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