Mudras in Yoga


Source: Instagram

There is more to yoga than just Asanas. Meditating with a mudra helps to have a positive impact on the body - its amazing how folding yours hands in a specific way can have such an impact, and requires minimal effort!!

So what is a mudra? In Sanskrit, "mudra" means means “seal”, and is a symbolic gesture practiced with your hands and fingers. Different areas of the hands are connected with areas in the body and the brain.
To see the optimal effects from any of these mudras, try hold them for 5-10 minutes each day.
Also, there are so many more mudras available, these are just a few, and there are many more benefits than just the ones listed.
Mudras are based all on your chakras!!

What is a "Chakra"?

In Sanskrit, Chakra means "wheel" or "disk". In yoga, it refers to the energy points in the body that are thought to be like a spinning wheel of energy when fully open.

The chakras are thought to align to specific areas of the body (nerves, organs etc) and have an impact on the physical and emotional wellbeing of a person.

So what are the chakras? Starting from the base of your spine you have:
  1. Muladhara aka Root chakra 🔴
  2. Svadisthana aka Sacral chakra 🟠
  3. Manipura aka Solar Plexus chakra 🟡
  4. Anahata aka Heart chakra 🟢
  5. Visuddha aka Throat chakra 🔘
  6. Ajna aka Third Eye chakra 🔵
  7. Sahasrara aka Crown chakra 🟣
Yoga, as well as meditation, Reiki and many other techniques, helps to strengthen the flow of energy through the chakras and encourages balance and wellbeing on all levels.


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