Why is compliance training ‘boring’?
Compliance training programs don’t respect the learners’ time: One study discovered that 70% of compliance training is more than 30 minutes long. More than half of that training is between 30 and 60 minutes. A small slice of training (4%) is a whopping 2+ hours long. Can you blame learners for not wanting to sit through all of that? Compliance training isn’t delivered often enough: The majority of compliance training seems to be delivered once a year, according to research. Delivering compliance training all at once could have an effect on engagement and lead to bored learners. A better strategy is to produce shorter compliance modules several times a year. This approach is also likely to increase learner retention and recall. Compliance training doesn’t resonate with learners: Another complaint is that while compliance training might be relevant to the industry, it has very little to do with learners’ day to day responsibilities. General training that can’t be applied in real-world ...